The Trueness Project

The Trueness Project [Who We Are & What We Stand For]

The Trueness Project Championing Authenticity

Navigating the complexities of life has never been a walk in the park. And it’s more challenging when you have faced traumatic experiences in your childhood. Or your voice was silenced growing up and have no idea which path to take.

M Teresa Lawrence, the President and Executive Director of The Trueness Project, can tell how challenging it can get. This is because she had to figure out her position and voice, as a Cuban immigrant.

Fuelled by the desire to crack the nut for those who will come after her, she leads the way to finding your true North amidst life’s hurdles. 

M Teresa Lawrence believes that happiness and fulfillment emanate from authentic living, a belief that lays the foundation for the rapidly growing Trueness Project. 

We are on a mission to empower communities to live their truth and impact the world positively.

But what has The Trueness Project to do with living authentically? What is the non-profit doing to inspire truth and authenticity for a fulfilled life? What is The Trueness Project and what does it stand for?

This article discusses the depths of The Trueness Project’s mandate. 

You’ll learn the connection between The Trueness Project’s initiatives and authentic living. You’ll also understand the why of The Trueness Project and its transformational approach to living a fulfilled life.

But before then, what is authentic living?

Authentic Living Definition

It’s in The Trueness Project’s heart, that authentic living isn’t a state of being. Rather, a lifestyle of consistently being true to yourself. It’s embracing your values, passions, and unique identity, knowing that no one is like you, and that’s your superpower.

Hence, authentic living is approaching every minute, situation, or circumstance with the confidence of your truth, and your identity.

What Shapes Your Truth?

A story is told of Duncan, a “daily drinking officer” who spent his life blaming his dad for introducing him to alcohol. According to him, had he not learned the art of drinking from his father, he would never have known alcohol, all his life.

His brother, David, a visionary man, and a respected global professional, was determined to build up his life and save his generation. He despised alcohol and was vocal about it. He linked his disregard for alcohol to his father.

“I have grown up watching the effects of alcohol firsthand. The loss of vision, misappropriation of finances, and a misguided destiny were my dad’s fate. 

I learned that if I must pursue my desired destiny, I must tame the desire for alcohol,” David would explain to anyone willing to listen.  

While David and his brother lived their truth, their paths were different. A different truth, informed by the same background!

The truth of every individual is cultivated. It’s a gradual growth process of discovering yourself and relentlessly pursuing your purpose.

Three significant aspects shape your truth:

1. People

Who do you surround yourself with? Who do you listen to? Who do you look up to? 

Words have power. And so is the company of your friends. You are the average of the five people you surround yourself with.

As the old adage goes, a cat that dreams of becoming a lion must first lose its appetite for rats.

2. Platforms

Technological advancements are fast-paced. And the world has turned into a global village. 

From social media platforms to e-commerce business platforms, you can seek information, gain exposure, and build your thought processes. Remember, your network is your net worth.

3. Environment

Where do you stay? What beliefs surround your environment? Your place of work or residence informs the possibilities of growth and achievements.

Shaping Authenticity With The Trueness Project

It’s impossible to live authentically without establishing who you are first and what you are capable of achieving. 

From Duncan and David’s story, the difference in their truth lies in their self-discovery. Duncan allowed the truth of his father to define his destiny. But David discovered himself and crafted his truth.

It takes intentionality to discover your interests, skills, passion and values. And discovering yourself is the first step to living authentically.

The Trueness Project helps shape your truth and live authentically through six pillar programs, informed by the three aspects that shape your truth, as we’ve discussed.

6 Pillar Programs for Shaping Authenticity

The Trueness Project’s approach to shaping your truth and cultivating authentic living cuts across all ages and locations. It’s a strategic enabler that connects hearts with expertise, exposure, and resources to transform dreams into reality.

Here are the strategic pillar programs to enrich your truth for authentic living:

  • Philanthropy: We share resources, skills, and giftings with the less privileged to lift them a step up the ladder to their destinies.
  • Promoting Education: We prioritize skills and exposure when cultivating a growth mindset. 

Offering educational and leadership resources and training, and providing a platform for children and youth to learn are some of the ways through which we promote education.

  • Nurturing Talent and Creativity: You have an inborn talent. But that talent is only a name on paper without nurturing. We provide experiential practices to help discover and equip local talents for global impact.
  • Women Empowerment: Statistics have it that women are yet to reach their full potential despite the efforts to empower them. 

We are bridging the gender gap by helping women discover their true genius and empowering them to own their voices.

  • Fostering International Harmony: Your talent and skills are not limited to your geographical location. And healthy international relations demand international harmony.

We break geographical barriers by cultivating international harmony through collaborative experiences. 

For instance, we have country and state representatives helping root our mission and establish development projects in those countries.

  • Building Community: We understand the pain points of a child engaged in child labor to settle their tuition fee. Or a girl unable to stay in school because of lack of sanitary towels. 

An act of kindness to keep these in school not only touches their hearts but inspires them to reach out for the stars. It’s also a way of blotting out poverty and uplifting less privileged communities.

Besides, we reach out to diverse communities to understand their challenges and help them overcome them through our philanthropic giving. 

Joining Forces, Championing Truth and Authenticity

Evidently, our mission goes beyond finances and information sharing. It’s a call to philanthropists, charity organizations, governments, donors, and experts to join hands and propel our efforts.

We have heard from our beneficiaries and seen the depths our efforts have reached so far. And we believe that’s just but the tip of the iceberg. 

For instance, we have ongoing and proposed projects in Kenya and Nepal that require financial support. Plus, our webinars, training, community outreach, and book donation activities require your support.

Together, we can cultivate authentic living and transform lives for utmost fulfillment. If you can be true to yourself, you can build better relationships, exude trustworthiness, and give your all to the world.

Let’s join forces and turn The Trueness Project’s mission into a reality.

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