The Trueness Project

How The Trueness Project Supports Its Community

One of the Trueness Project’s strategic pillar programs is building community. We believe that the inability to access basic needs such as sanitary products, food, and education shouldn’t dim talents and blur a child’s future.

For instance, over one million girls in Kenya miss three to four school days every month due to period poverty. They lack safe, affordable, and sustainable sanitary products and menstrual health education.

Missing school not only affects their performance but also tampers with their self-esteem. Some women even wish they were born a different gender to redeem them from the harm of period poverty!

Period poverty is just an aspect of what The Trueness Project is committed to alleviating. With us, we’re empowering communities to discover their worth, connect with who they are, and embrace their authentic selves.

This article discusses how The Trueness Project supports its community to discover their superpowers and live authentically.

Breaking the Poverty Cycle

When a child is born into a poor family, it can be challenging for them to prevent subsequent generations from poverty. They have limited or no resources to create opportunities for advancement.

Left unattended to, a child born into poverty adopts a poverty mindset, thinning their worldview and limiting their decision-making perspectives. It affects their behaviors and patterns and how they see the world.

But what makes it hard to escape the firm grip of poverty cycles? Various limitations challenge the possibility of breaking poverty cycles. These limitations include failure to plan for the future, low self-esteem, and less-developed brains.

Let’s handle each at a time:

A Blurry Vision Into the Future

How possible is it to think about your life in five years when you have no money to settle your house rent or food bills? 

Poverty eradicates the meaning of planning for the future and confines you to the moment. You find it hard to think of insurance, a future education plan for your children, or where your career will be in five years.

Failure to embrace forward thinking leads to bad decisions, crashing the future and leaving no room for progression.

The Trueness Project cultivates a wealthy mindset through educational resources to provide exposure and expand children’s thinking.

Low Self-esteem

In the low and middle-income classes, children tend to compare themselves with others. And if you are at the bottom of the social ladder, you realize what is considered a basic need to some, is a luxury to you.

Such a realization crushes your confidence and makes you want to be quiet when you’re supposed to speak. Even when you know what to say, you lack the courage to express yourself. Innovation is downtrodden.

It is in such situations that countless opportunities are missed.

The Trueness project instills confidence by empowering communities to rise above their limitations and design the future they desire. By providing resources to position them for the future, we encourage young people to use their limitations as stepping stones.

Less-Developed Brains

Children born into poor families sometimes lack basic resources, educational amenities, and books to build their cognitive ability. They have a limited view of the future and opportunities they can grab, crack the shell, and step out of the poverty cocoon.

Other times, children brought up in poor families experience fewer hours of sleep, struggling for the next meal. This challenges their cognitive and linguistic abilities, rendering them less productive.

The Trueness Project has been distributing leadership books to such children so they can build a growth perspective, expand their thinking, and position themselves better.

Unlocking Hidden Potential

There is a purpose attached to every individual. And the purpose is useful to them, their families, places of work, and the world at large when realized.

However, undeveloped talents and abilities go unnoticed and benefit no one. 

As Les Brown put it, “The graveyard is the richest place on earth, because it is here that you will find all the hopes and dreams that were never fulfilled, the books that were never written, the songs that were never sung, the inventions that were never shared, the cures that were never discovered;

all because someone was too afraid to take that first step, keep with the problem, or determined to carry out their dream.”  

But graveyards aren’t the place for talents and abilities when we can help discover them! And discovering them calls for exploration, self-discovery, and a step out of the comfort zone.

Here are the three ways The Trueness Project helps unlock hidden potential:

Inspiring Self-belief

Your voice matters. It doesn’t matter where you come from, what people think of you, or the circumstances you have been through.

Today you may not have everything you desire. But you have the potential to create the life you desire, no matter the circumstances engulfing you. Every successful person has their pie of challenging moments. 

Driven by our mission, we share real-life stories and journeys with the youth to inspire them and cultivate a positive mindset. We believe that even a single success story can help an individual get back on their feet, dust themselves off, and transform their lives.

With self-belief, you climb the highest mountain and leave no stone unturned to realize your wildest dreams.

Providing Exploration and Exposure

Is there a challenge too hard to overcome?

That can sound too easy to answer. But the answer lies in how much exposure you have and what informs the ability to overcome.

You can believe in yourself but when challenges come, you get stuck. 

Adventuring life involves being aware of your environment, your life course, and challenges around your dreams and visions. You learn ways to overcome the challenges, and people you can turn to when you need help.

The Trueness Project provides platforms for individuals and communities to see the world around and outside them. These platforms include online webinars and community outreach avenues to give them a chance to share their story. 

Such platforms are a community of leaders, aspiring leaders, and volunteers ready to share their authentic lives, offer resources, and hold hands whenever called upon.

During these sessions, individuals learn leadership skills, access tools and resources to build them up, and seek help when faced with challenging situations.

They gain exposure, explore life in all dimensions and gain the confidence to unleash their potential.

Supporting With Actualization 

Discovering yourself and getting ready to face your fears is not enough. You need hands-on experience to measure your resilience and accuracy of self-discovery.

Sometimes, what you think is your purpose may turn out to be a hobby and your hobby can be your calling. As you interact with various activities, assignments, and people, you learn more about yourself and align with your calling better.

We encourage the youth to be creative and innovative by allowing them to participate in innovative projects like book writing, artistic expression, and storytelling. By doing so, they find their interests and can grow them into income-generating professions.

Fostering Sustainability

Attending to the immediate needs of an individual can be satisfying. But it only provides temporary fulfillment.

To drive a sustainable impact, we consider immediate satisfaction as an enabler to build a sustainable solution. 

For instance, providing sanitary products to school-going girls can help keep them in school and focus on their education. But while in school, they need to explore and deliver more than academic excellence.

And that’s the most important part of The Trueness Project. We provide career mentorship sessions, experiential learning, and valuable connections to open their eyes and point them to a secure future.

Support the Community With Us

There you have it; the three main ways through which we support our target communities across the world. We break the poverty cycle, unlock hidden potential, and foster sustainability through embedding authentic living approaches into their minds.

While we have made a significant impact within a short span of time, we can do far better with your help. It could be your resources, you as a volunteer, your skills, or a donation. 

Whatever it is, our arms are open to receive your support and use every portion of it to impact more lives. You can reach out to us for more information or share your financial support to help run our ongoing initiatives.

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