The Trueness Project

Unraveling the Genius Within

A strategic approach to self-realization, discovery, and actualization so the world can tap into your skills, expertise, and talent.

Our Self-Discovery Approach

No one is like you, and that’s your strength! Yet, discovering yourself takes intentionality, and that’s where we come in–to help you identify your North Star, your light.

We help individuals, especially young people, and communities, to realize and live their true calling. We achieve this through our strategic self-discovery activities which focus on:

  • Community outreach 
  • Blended seminars and workshops
  • Student mentorship sessions
  • Knowledge transfer and capacity building
  • Experiential learning 


These activities are designed to inspire our target beneficiaries, and expand their appreciation for their inborn and learned talents and skills, and various art forms.

In so doing, The Trueness Project has been and remains committed to helping youths and communities across the world to harness the power of personal narratives. 

This equips and strategically positions them to understand and master their destinies. Rising beyond the choice of imposing our own vision of what our beneficiaries’ lives should look like, we strive to create a space where they can discover and express their own truths.

We remain intentionally flexible and open-minded to help them find the freedom to choose a different path, regardless of the circumstances they may find themselves in.

Polishing the Self-Discovery Lens

The clearer you see through your heart, mind and soul, the nearer you get to exploiting your full potential. You learn your strengths and weaknesses, and the depths and heights your gifts and talents can potentially propel you. 

To create an enabling environment for such discoveries, we offer six pillar programs, catering to children, youth and diverse communities spread across the globe.

Strategic Pillar Programs

Honesty, authenticity, and truthfulness are a product of knowledge, exposure, and experience. It’s a state of being born of realizing:

  • Who you are
  • What you can do
  • The resources you have
  • Challenges within and beyond your environment, and 
  • How you can overcome such challenges and blossom.


To achieve such objectives, we at The Trueness Project channel our efforts to these six global impact-driven programs:

1. Philanthropy

We subscribe to the ideology that through strategic empowerment, everyone has the potential to create wealth and lead a dignified life. 

Instead of giving hand-outs, we chose a different path–of giving hands-up, by supporting people to use their talents and skills to rise life’s ladder to success.

Basic needs such as education are considered a luxury in some societies due to poverty.  

For instance, in Kenya, girls from poor backgrounds miss 20% of their school days yearly (equivalent to 4 school days every month) due to a lack of sanitary products!

For a long time now, we have been donating sanitary health and hygiene products, children and adult leadership books, and educational resources to improve quality of life and promote equity.

We believe that these resources strengthen the thinking faculties of their users, and also create an environment and mindset of success from early ages.

Here, our passion is pegged on contributing to the achievement of SDG 1–ending poverty in all its forms everywhere.

We’ve piloted this and appreciated the results in Kenya and Nepal. We are continually strategizing on how to advance to more countries and impact more lives, one country at a time.

We believe that true philanthropy involves giving not to control or manipulate, but to uplift and inspire.

2. Promoting Education

Quality education is a foundational requirement for growth, career path development, and capacity-building.

While every child deserves a quality education, child labor has become the norm for the less privileged children.

Some parents struggle to cater to their children’s tuition fees, sending them to work as a way of:

  • Supporting their school fee to keep them in school
  • Boosting the family income to support their siblings
  • Catering to their basic needs such as clothing and food


Such children are subjected to various other challenges besides child labor, including:

  • Poor performance in school
  • Low self-esteem 
  • Teenage pregnancies and increased chances of dropping out of school


To help counter these challenges, The Trueness Project caters to needy students’ tuition fee, allowing them equitable access to quality education.

It has been our commitment to contribute to the realization of SDG 4, whose focus is achieving inclusive and equitable quality education.

3. Nurturing Talent and Creativity

One of the ways of eradicating poverty is by leveraging skills, creativity, and talent.

Once you have realized your talent, you can confidently develop it and build a long-term source of income around it.

But how can you nurture creativity and talent?

The Trueness Project nurtures creativity and talent in three ways:

  • Providing hands-on experience for young learners to explore and discover their strengths

We bring learning and growth opportunities near our target beneficiaries and guide them through. 

For instance, there’s an ongoing book writing project involving students from Kereri Girls High School in Kisii County, Kenya.  

They are writing about leadership and transformation, and related topics. 

In June 2024, led by M. Teresa Lawrence, our President and Executive Director, we did a book compilation of chapters contributed by transformation-led leaders from across the globe, for the masterpiece titled The Grand Butterfly Gathering: Wings of Change for a Transformed World

Some of these contributors were young people. 

  • Training and mentorship for self-development

We provide in-person and virtual mentorship and leadership training sessions, with a focus on leadership development, storytelling and narrative building.

By doing so, children grow up knowing how they can present their skills, talents, and expertise in the faces of potential employers and clients.

Young professionals are also empowered to be resilient and diligent as they have people they can look up to, people who share in their expertise, success, and challenges.

For adults, it’s an opportunity to embrace long-life learning.  We revamp their leadership strategies and skills and position them to lead and empower those behind them. 

  • Relationship building and capacity building for sustainable growth and development

We provide an avenue for world leaders and keynote speakers to tell their stories as a way of promoting the spirit of truthfulness, honesty, and authenticity. But what has such an avenue to do with nurturing talent and creativity?

World leaders have their own pie of challenges, including rejection, fears, financial constraints, lack of support, and lack of enough resources.

As young professionals listen to these stories, they can identify with the challenges they’re facing and learn ways of overcoming them.

It’s also an opportunity for the youth to interact with the facilitators, build professional relationships, and be valuable to their organizations and businesses.

In all schools we donate sanitary pads to, we also offer mentorship to the students, both boys and girls, to help them see life through clearer, wider lenses and make right, informed choices.

4. Women Empowerment

An empowered woman is an empowered generation. And an empowered generation is a wealthy nation.

While women empowerment has become a key area of investment in most parts of the world, global statistics still present a significant empowerment deficit. For instance, let’s interact with research:

Globally, the current women empowerment positions them to achieve only 60% of their potential.

This translates to 40% of women’s potential being underutilized. And this is due to various limitations, including:

  • In some workplaces, men receive a higher compensation than women for the same amount of work.
  • A significant number of women in rural areas still suffer from domestic violence, taking no remediation action.
  • 1 in 10 women live in extreme poverty conditions, limiting their efforts in acquiring basic needs.
  • Women hold only 28.2% of management positions and spend 2.8% more hours than men in domestic duties and unpaid care.


With the current state of women and the gender gap in key dimensions, it will take up to 131 years to reach gender parity (according to the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report 2023).

The Trueness Project empowers women to own their voice, pursue their true calling, and develop their creativity and talent. 

By doing so, they can confidently contribute to decision-making, be vocal when subjected to unfavorable conditions, and step out of situations that undermine their worth. This would in return help close the huge gender disparity.

We’re driven by the desire to be key contributors to the successful implementation of SDG 5, achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls.

5. Fostering International Harmony

International harmony is a powerful tool in promoting economic development, ensuring world peace, and inspiring healthy political and leadership reforms. It lays the perfect environment to realize and fulfill one’s purpose.

Regardless of how talented you are, you need access to the right environment and resources. This includes interacting with relevant people, organizations, and tools, regardless of your location.

We believe that not even geographical boundaries can limit talent. We uphold international harmony as an enabling environment to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion.

So far, our efforts to promote international harmony include:

  • Engaging world leaders in leadership and life-transforming conversations through regular events and mentorship forums. Our latest global event, The Grand Butterfly Gathering 2024, was a platform for people from all walks of life to join hands and pray for peace, spread love, and support causes near them. It also aimed at showing the power of unity and promoting creativity, set to be a world record-breaking gathering of people dressed as butterflies. 
  • Writing collaborative books with authors from all corners of the world.
  • Working with professionals and leaders from diverse environments to collectively change the world.
  • Visiting different countries, communities, and societies to learn their culture, appreciate diversity, and identify with their challenges.
  • Engaging and involving well-wishers to support funding The Trueness Project efforts.


Together, we can cultivate truthfulness and authenticity on a global scale while contributing to international harmony.

6. Building Community

From our inclusive community outreach programs to our physical and online events, we uphold unity of purpose. We believe that united we stand, divided we fall.

With countless change-focused leaders and communities championing truth and authenticity in various parts of the world, we’re committed to remaining true to our mission and vision. And these communities are our first-hand witnesses.

They are not only beneficiaries of our initiatives but also flag bearers of our transformational impact. 

We are leaving no stone unturned while championing authentic living and empowering communities to connect with their true selves.

Our Flagship Initiatives

The Trueness Project’s mandate goes beyond description. We have spread our roots to various pointings of the compass, spreading love and impacting lives. 

Here are our ongoing and proposed projects in Kenya and Nepal.

The Kenya Initiative

To respond to the needs of the various individuals, institutions, and rural villages, we: 

1. Want to raise $25,000 for 10 Starlink Satellite Systems with complete installation for remote Kenyan villages and MSMEs to stay connected to the world via the Internet. 

2. Plan to raise $100,000 for clean, green, and renewable energy sources for remote Kenyan villages to keep the residents’ homes and businesses powered, despite the regular power outages.

3. Look forward to securing donations of laptops with complete operating systems and donating them to schools in Kenya. “I visited schools that had 3 computers for 2000 students. I had to hold back tears,” she recounts concerning her visit to Kenya in September 2023.

4. Are currently fundraising $30,000 to cover tuition fees for one year for at least 100 girls studying in various boarding schools in Kenya.

5. Are seeking to muster $25,000 and channel it to acquiring Feminine Hygiene products to restore menstrual dignity among underprivileged Kenyan school-going girls.

Some girls in Kenya leave school once they have their menstrual cycle because there are no feminine hygiene products in the schools for them to use. 

Most of the girls do not return to their education. Buying feminine hygiene products is a priority for these schools so that the girls can easily access the products. 

There’s power in collaboration, which is why we are calling for your support to make this dream and cause a reality. 

By donating to The Trueness Project, you make it easy and manageable for us to achieve and even surpass the above projection, touch a soul and change a community.

The Nepal Initiative

In Nepal, things are no better, either. Annually, thousands of children are being kidnapped and forced into sex trafficking.

Every time a child is saved, we make the world better and safer.

If we manage to end sex trafficking, we’ll have redeemed the future of thousands of young girls. 

The Trueness Project plans to visit Nepal, donate children’s and adult leadership books, and speak to children and major stakeholders about the importance of education.

We are also on a mission to raise $100,000 to support children’s orphanages and education in Nepal. This can only be a reality with your kind support.

Would you like to learn more about our current initiatives and how you can get involved?

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